My Background & Views on Technology

I first used technology when I was about 9 years old when I got a Kindle for Christmas. That kindle showed me the wonders of technology, and now I am coding scripts for technology. I truly love technology and use it every day for multiple hours. One of my favorite kinds of technology to mess around with is Disruptive Technology, with all of its possibilities and new ideas.

Disruptive technologies are the reason why hardware and software are growing at an exponential rate. When the market changes and a new product is made new ideas pop into people’s heads, and that sparks a cycle. Soon AI may be the thing to create the ultimate computer or come up with ideas. With the evolution of AI soon it will take over most jobs which is scary and amazing.

Disruptive technologies have the potential to create a ton of problems and solve a ton of problems, it is delicate. If used in the wrong hands it could cause a whole new level of cyberattacks. However, if used in the right hands it could cause a technological revolution and allow people to make incredible things.

3 thoughts on “My Background & Views on Technology

  1. I like how you point out that disruptive technology is “delicate.” That ties in well with what we have been learning about the possibility for it to hold great promise or lead us to great peril. It really depends on how we manage some of the greed and power grabs that come along with it. We have to really be engaged as a society to think about how we help shape the future.

  2. Hi Miles – I really like the personal touch you put about how you were introduced to technology and where you went from there. I agree with a lot of your thoughts on disruptive technologies as well – they have a lot of potential, but said potential can both be good and bad.
    One suggestion I have is to write more about what you’re doing now. What kinds of scripts are you coding? I’d love to read more!

  3. I like how you learned all about technology when you were 9 and now you are learning code and so much more.

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